Shakira was born on February, 2nd, 1977 in the city of Barranquilla in the north of Colombia. She on half of kolumbijka, on half of arabka. The father - William of Мебарак Чадид. Livanets by origin, but was born in New York seventy years ago. Still the child together with parents has moved to Colombia. Now he is engaged in literary activity, and was the holder of jeweller shop earlier. Mother - Nidija of del of Carmen Ripoll Torado. The native of Colombia though in her is both Italian, and the Spanish blood. At the father and mother of SHakiry - a greater difference in the age of. She the unique daughter of mother, but on a fatherly line at it 5 more stepbrothers and 2 sisters from first marriage. The girl SHakiroj, to be exact SHakira of Izabel of Mebarak of Ripol have named. In translation with Arabian a name of SHakira the woman, executed means « good fortunes », and in translation from language of hindi - « the goddess of light ». Barranquilla - city with the population about 1 mil...