Shakira was born on February, 2nd, 1977 in the city of Barranquilla in the north of Colombia. She on half of kolumbijka, on half of arabka. The father - William of Мебарак Чадид. Livanets by origin, but was born in New York seventy years ago. Still the child together with parents has moved to Colombia. Now he is engaged in literary activity, and was the holder of jeweller shop earlier. Mother - Nidija of del of Carmen Ripoll Torado. The native of Colombia though in her is both Italian, and the Spanish blood. At the father and mother of SHakiry - a greater difference in the age of. She the unique daughter of mother, but on a fatherly line at it 5 more stepbrothers and 2 sisters from first marriage.

The girl SHakiroj, to be exact SHakira of Izabel of Mebarak of Ripol have named. In translation with Arabian a name of SHakira the woman, executed means « good fortunes », and in translation from language of hindi - « the goddess of light ».

Barranquilla - city with the population about 1 million person, is at the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The whole year here it is hot and it is stuffy. People who live in capital of Colombia, to Bogota, consider barannkiltsev of derevenshchinami. " This city - not a zoo, - speaks SHakira. - And, can, and a zoo, but only with one kind of animals ". Though SHakira does not live there already more than ten years, she still considers herself barrankilenkoj.

In one and a half year of SHaki already knew the alphabet, in 3 years has learned to read, in 4 it wished to send in school, but such krohu in a class, naturally, have not taken. In a year of small SHaki the serious diagnosis has been put: the genius. However to school have allowed to go only when the age has approached.

The first memoirs of SHakiry - news, that in automobile failure its stepbrother was lost. She was too small to understand all tragedy of event, but she speaks: " Anyhow, it has inspired me strong fear of death. Long time I was afraid of death in all aspects. And losses. "

It was almost its unique bad memoirs from the childhood. The family lived in a comfortable apartment in area the Ale of Limonsito. Its stepbrothers and sisters lived beside, and all it adored. " The father was my idol. He seem to me the superhero ". At leisure he continued to write. " Me impressed, when I saw it behind a typewriter ".

She went to Catholic school, on a beach with friends, on parties, but to this daily routine something was added still: rehearsals of dances, private lessons of a vocal. It, had, enough time to write a song, in fact she was going to to become the singer. Those who knew it then, speak, that she was very amusing, playful, mobile and always something sang.

Mother of SHakiry, Nidija, speaks, that its daughter has started to compose verses in 4. The first was called " La Rosa de Cristal " - " the Crystal rose ". Nidija believed, that its daughter becomes the great poet. But once in the evening the father of SHakiry has taken it in local restaurant of east kitchen where she for the first time has heard a sound of dumbeka, traditional Arabian drum under which sounds executors of belly dance act. She at once has felt " a natural instinct to move bedrami and to dance under sounds of dumbeka ". Soon she executed belly dance for everyone who wanted it. " I have fallen in love with a stage, " - speaks SHakira.

This passion to dances and performances has grasped SHakiru for all life. She executed belly dance every Friday in Catholic church. SHakira adds: " Though I danced with the open stomach, anybody did not condemn me. Nuns considered it as art. "

Later reading with mathematics have been thrown, and parents have seriously borrowed in dancing career of the daughter. SHaki won successively all local competitions of dances, and the beginnings in passing itself to write songs.

" I have written the first song to 8 years " Your dark glasses " (Tus gafas oscuras "). She has been devoted to the little boy in my imagination. Because at that time at me was not bojfrenda, to me in fact was only 8. But I always wrote romantic songs, always. Even when I was absolutely small. I have taken solar glasses of the daddy as motive. Because, whether know, children like small bagatelles, in fact their world very small. And in 14 me have entrusted to represent Colombia at well-known festival Vinja of del of Mar. I have won a silver torch with the song "Eres" ("To be" - to be in sense someone or something). By the way, there I have met with Riki Martin. He was in jury - and has voted for me ".

But it have not taken in children's chorus, because, according to the teacher, she " bekala, as a goat ". After that SHakira began to hesitate to sing, but, nevertheless, has started to write down texts of songs on the tape recorder.

In 13 SHakira has gone through the first ups and downs of love. It was neighbour's boy Oscar of Prado to whom she has opened the treasured dream - to become the professional singer.

In free from dances and a writing of songs time, SHakira often played with neighbour's boys. " We represented ourselves the organization which searches for oil. Certainly, I was main, " - she tells.

By 10 years of SHakira has again believed in the singing talent and has decided to take part in competition on local TV. She has won and has won a bicycle. Then she has entered school of models and has invited two schoolmates to sing and dance in show which she has organized and for which has thought up own choreography.

Once, in 13 years, SHakira has heard, that to Barannkilju there will arrive representative Sony Latin. She used this chance. Under supervision of parents of SHakira sang and danced for the stunned representative in hole of hotel the Ale of Prado. A week later Sony has signed with her the contract on three Helena Verellen, director on marketing in Sony International, speaks: " We knew, that she will become successful worldwide. She not such, as all. She is improbably talented, she is beautiful, she writes, she prodjusiruet, she does all. We knew, that have received present klad ". Its first album, Magia (Magic), consisted basically of ballads. The album which has been let out only in Colombia, has been sold by circulation less than thousand copies. There was a first album - Magia. The album has been made of songs, which SHakira wrote in the age of 8 - 13 years. Job has received perfect rezentsii, but has missed not in such circulation which would arrange Sony. Despite of it, in 14 years she became almost the most well-known person in the city. The second album Peligro (Danger) which has been written down by the 15-years girl, with a crash has failed. SHaki itself has asked to stop an advertising campaign.

Believing, that is foreordained to become her a star, in 15 years of SHakira has left school and has convinced mother to allow to move to her to Bogota. Nidija has moved with her, and they together lived in modest hotel. To her the offer from channel CENPRO has acted to be removed in a leaging role in serial EL OASIS (Oasis). During same time the magazine planned to spend competition on a rank of Miss of the Colombian Teleimage, and SHakira has been included in the list of pretendentok. The magazine has made for this purpose a special photo session from SHakiroj, photos which have shown all world all to charm and ideal bends of its body. After that the rating to her popularity has flied up upwards. In the end of year, summing up, the magazine has named its Misses of TVK, and also the best actress.

But she did not like a role of an actress: " I was really bad actress. In 17 I was removed in a soap opera. It was pleasant to me, because it was a new step in my life. I moved in new city, capital of my country, and before I never did not move anywhere. I have been surrounded by the present actors. When I speak the present actors, I have in view of actors who played already more than twenty years and have brought the huge contribution to development of art. Therefore it was tremendous experience. But I was too young, and I changed a little, and I am not proud of it. I do not like to look episodes of this serial ". But for the first time in a life of SHakira has heard the present fate: " I listened Nirvana, Aerosmith, Tom Petty ".

Bosses from Sony have become thoughtfull: instead of whether to break off with her the contract? Also would break off, do not advise them someone to include a song of SHakiry in one of collections. On road from the house before campaign she has written song DONDE ESTAS CORAZON to a taxi? (Where you heart?). And again its name was at all on lips. Since this moment its popularity did not know a decline.

The third album " Pies descalzos, suenos blancos " (Naked nogie, high dreams) the priest-divine presented at national Colombian theatre on October, 6th 1995, and right after presentations has gone to world tour. As a result the plate has missed in mullions-strong circulations, that for small Colombia was neslyhano!

The new prize the Diamond Prism (El Prisma de Diamante) for outstanding merits on a field of show of business has been thought up. Ceremony occured to a special glamour and at the big inflow of journalists. Stephen Spielberg has invited SHaki to tests in film « El Sorro », the truth, the girl has not approached. The Brazilian public idolized the new star which has dexterously arranged on popularity of Аланис of Morisset and even Enrike Iglesias.

The glory has been saddened by death the several person as a result of gamble by tickets for its first big concert on the native ground in Barranquilla. Event which she cannot recollect without shudder. She has learned about happened when has already returned to hotel. As she assures, learn she about it earlier, the concert would be excellent. This tragedy so has affected it, that during any moment she wished to throw career.

In 1996 she has been selected by mass media the woman of year and the person of year. And it was not exaggeration, she became the first executor from Colombia to which managed to subdue such far countries as Japan, and to drive mad the songs of Brazilians (even some disks on Portuguese) have been written down. On Iberian peninsula (Spain, Portugal) the success was not less grandiose. Songs of SHakiry sounded everywhere: in streets and in houses.

Behind it followers the present tortures. Public and the mass-media demanded an output of its 4-th album. It very much frightened SHakiru, especially that all recurrences of success of its third album waited. Besides it did not have new songs as at the airport the Fur-tree of Dorado was stolen with its papers with songs: " At me have stolen songs just when I already was going to to do selection for disk Dónde están los Ladrones. We were so are careless. They have simply carried away my suitcase with all contents. I thought, that I shall die ". Infinite a turn of weeks, days replacing each other, spent in creative flours have not broken SHakiru. She continued to compose songs and to search for the producer. It became Emilio of Estefan with which she has met on delivery of prizes Lo Nuestro (ours). SHakira doubted, that will consult with all job itself, but Estefan has convinced it of the return. And soon she has started record of new songs. At this time the magazine the Time (Time) the Latin American edition, has surprised all kolumbijtsev with news about the future new era of fate which first representative becomes SHakira.


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