
Having a child is a monumental life changing experience. Your every thought and action now has new meaning. It should be the glue that holds a relationship together, but sometimes that doesn't happen. Who knows why, but as much as he loved his little angel it wasn't enough to hold the relationship together. The demise of the marriage would have devistation reprocussions down the road. The level of anger that simmered under the surface of his former wife and her family would eventually be transferred to that little angel, and there would be nothing to undo the damage it caused. No matter how much he tried to make up for the end of the "family" she would hold it against him for the rest of his life. It is sad to think that even in the end he could never do anything to make her love and respect him. He used to refer to himself as "the human credit card" it was all she ever really wanted from him. Not his time, not his company, just his cash. I guess that was his punishment. The sadest thing is that because of what she must have been told, she was denied the experience of having know what true unconditional love was. He adored her, constantly forgave her any hurt he felt from her constant criticism and her passive aggression and rejection. He knew when she called, she always needed something, but still he was happy to talk to her.


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