nelly furtado i'm like a bird

Soon my path turns north and I begin the climb up William's Clough. The rocky path is accompanied by a bubbling stream. The dogs skip in and out of the crystal water, lapping and splashing with glee. There are other routes to the top, and every now and then I stop for a rest and regard the hillside around me. I can see tiny spots of red and flares of pale blue as other small groups or single walkers progress slowly along distant paths. They move, almost imperceptibly through the dark, springy heather. Ruth takes every opportunity to lie at my feet, belly stretched on the cool mountain rock. As we continue our climb she begins to concentrate more and more. Her stamina is not what it once was. Roger dashes ahead and back, constantly retracing his steps to ensure that we are following him. All owners of young dogs will tell you that they cover at least three times the distance of any walk because of their eager to-ing and fro-ing. Posted by Picasa


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