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The Beatles is an English pop and rock band hailing from Liverpool. The Beatles are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. They are probably the most commercially triumphant bands of the British bands. In the UK, the band had released more than forty singles, albums and EP’s. The band went on to enjoy massive success in various countries, their record label EMI estimated that they had sold more than one billion records. The Recording Industry Association of America rated them as the best selling act of all time in the US. The Beatle’s initial music roots were deep-seated in the 50’s rock and roll and home grown skifflish sounds, however they went on to explore a plethora of music genres, everything from Tin Pan Alley to psychedelic rock. The band’s clothes, accessories and statements made them overnight trend setters amongst the urban crowd. Their sensitization towards increasing social awareness allowed them to exert their influence to wide social revolutions o
Amy Winehouse’s dad credits drugs for the footage of her Recovery Recently, it was found that Amy Winehouse’s father thanked the British newspaper on publishing his daughter’s treatment with regard to her recovery from taking drugs. In January, Amy was found to have moved in a rehab clinic in London. After a video that showed Amy allegedly taking a variety of illegal substances passed in to a British newspaper, “Sun”. The back-to-back hit maker, Amy Winehouse left the rehab center in the next week. She seemed to be looking much healthier and happy. She then went to wow the audience at the Grammy Awards. She gave a fantastic and an impressive performance via Satellite as she was not granted the visa. Mitch Winehouse, her dad insists that the newspaper did the right thing by harrowing the footage. He thanks the publisher of Sun, newspaper. He adds that the video has helped his daughter. This time Amy herself wanted to get better. However, the Sun, showed a movie on Amy and it really gave