crash - gwen stefani

woah, a song that secretly holds sex in the meaning, we never get these! right from the beginning we figure out this song is just gwen trying to compliment her boyfriends performance in the bedroom. i guess when you get pregnant, it means your boyfriend is a hot! unfortunatly it does not require much skill to get a girl pregnant. anyhow, comparing his sexual prowess to racing like andretti is a nice move. if i busted a nut as fast as that guy drove though, i don't think i would want it known.

"i want you all over me like l.a.m.b." ok it's official this is actually what she says, i always thought i was hearing wrong, in either case wtf does that mean..."long ass man balls", "little amateur milton bradley", "like a man bomb" in either case, it clearly states she is wanting a pearl necklace, now we officially know too much about gwens sex life. "crash into me real hard" yep also rough sex is obviously the way to go, there is no love making going on here.


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