You want to save your marriage? Even though your spouse has betrayed you and you are filled with hurt, anger and pain? Or, Perhaps you are in the midst of infidelity, want out and are wondering if it's possible to save the marriage?

You are not alone! A burning first question is: Can my marriage be saved?

For thoughtful people, ending the marriage is a difficult, painful, expensive and life-altering event. You really want your marriage to be the place where you find love, richness, companionship and powerful intimacy.

But...can it happen? Now? After all that's taken place? Is it worth all the energy and effort you must give? Can you have what you had? What will it look like? Will you ever be able to trust? Will thoughts of the other person ever fade?

Is the Infidelity in your Marriage a "wake up call" or "death knell?"

Here's the bottom line: Whether your marriage can be saved depends on the kind of marital infidelity facing you.

Some infidelity is a wake-up call for the marriage. I've seen couples revitalize and create great marriages in the aftermath. Actually, marital infidelity was the best thing that ever happened to them.

Sometimes infidelity is a death knell. Sorry, but it is. There are specific strategies you can try that might stop the marital infidelity, but the odds are against you. Your wisest decision may be to protect yourself, garner your strength, gather your resources, learn and move on.

More Marital Infidelity Resources

Marital Infidelity: Mega E-Book

Infidelity in your marriage: predict what will happen next

Marital infidelity: securing a personal coach

Marital infidelity: online membership


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