I used to travel alot to Lebanon and lived there for awhile in 2001. Whenever I got into a conversation about life-extension and "immortality" they, people seems to get off on the idea.

Under Abu Samra, Lebanon became increasingly "nationalist", not in the expansionistic meaning of the term, by in the sense that they want to become a fully technologically-driven, competitive society.

They've done quite well. But needless to say, they got a long way to go.

Its quite nice there. You've got the beaches, the tropical forests, the three major races and cultures (Lebanese, Syrian, and Arabic), and nice-looking women. Everything you could want is there.

Also, Lebanon's developed enough so that there are few or no poor people on the streets, unlike Syria or Iran.

Lebanon is one of the target markets I plan to hit on once our biochip scanner is ready for sale in August. If I can get in with the right government ministers there, I'll try to sell them on the SENS research project. Lebanon has the dough to finance this and they seem to have the chuzpah to do it as well (to spite the West).


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